Mike Adamle does it again!

From 1989 to 1997 Mike hosted
American Gladiators (a cheese-filled classic, though the
UK version took the campiness to a whole new level) bringing such legendary muscle-bound stars as Laser (right - he's just so hot!), Nitro and Zap to our screens. This time (not so ably) abetted by Omarosa, Trishelle and that tall Bachelor Guy, Mike does what Mike does best. He takes the camp factor to new heights with his oh-so-earnest commentary of the trials and tribulations of this new breed of network stars.
BNRS: It's Corel vs.
The Miz. Big Brothers' Dr. Will vs. Gay Will. Hatch vs. Hawk. A Millionaire vs. numerous Average and Schmo Joes. And a Showbiz dad called Duncan "The Nut" Nutter!
Of the 32 contestants, there are several Season 2 Apprentice "stars" (but really, what else are they gonna do) and a good smattering from The Amazing Race, The Real World and Survivor, among others. There were only two I didn't recognize (I never did watch
Next Top Model, what can I say?).

Corel proudly shows off her "friends"; Hatch schemes; The Miz gets shirtless and pumped up; Jonathan screams at Victoria; Charla proves that Little People have heart; and Rachel Love Fraiser protects all her newly constructed assets. Oh, and they all scream at, or cheer for, one another depending on the amount of alcohol or pain meds consumed.
I never saw the original show (no, not all American shows make it across the Pond, we had
It's a Knockout instead). Apparently the competitions are similar, the outfits and styles
a little more current, but it's the bitchin' and moanin' and the way these people makes total asses of themselves, that's what we really tune in for anyway. Then, naturally, this being Reality TV, there's the
shocking elimination, which really amps up the catfights and infighting! And, of course, makes for good television as these stars all want their second 15 minutes of fame!
I remember the days when Bravo was a highbrow arts channel (which few watched). Now it's owned by NBC, and
Celebrity Poker Showdown or those
Queer Eye boys are ALWAYS on. I watch. It's certainly better than The History Channel!
In conclusion, I'll leave you with these thoughts: Is this really Reality TV at it's best and brightest? Or trashy and tackiest? Or is NBC simply milking these poor schmos for the longest 15 minutes they can get?
BTW I have the show Season Passed on my TiVo. I love it!
(Yes, Tos, I know... you're totally baffled by all this! GET BLOODY CABLE!!!)