At the time, the only role I knew Meredith for was her portrayal of the young Ellyn on thirtysomething (which isn't even listed on IMDB since Polly Draper, apparently a real bitch, demanded she dub over Meredith's voice believing her own raspy tones to be her signature acting asset).
Meredith went on to play everyone's best friend in Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss (with Sean Hayes), Forces of Nature and Legally Blonde, along with some major guest spots on the likes of Lois & Clark and The Practice.
But to the point of this post: I'm at the restuarant the other day, and in walks Meredith. Naturally, she knows one of my waiters, so I really can't pass up this opportunity and go reintroduce myself. And what does she do? She gets Marcy on the phone (who I haven't talked to in at least 10 years). This really is a small world!
But you know the saddest part of the whole thing? There I am, a decade later, and I'm again working in a bloody restuarant.
It really depressed the hell out of me, I can tell you!!!