Senin, 29 Mei 2006

The Start of Summer?

People often forget that Memorial Day is actually the day to celebrate and remember those who gave their lives in the service of their country, it is not simply the unofficial start of summer. With the current political climate in Iraq and Afghanistan, it is become de rigeur to discuss the role of a volunteer military to combat terrorism. Nevertheless, there are a couple of names that many of us do not know as household words, particularly in the gay community, names that should evoke the true spirit of Memorial Day.

In 1778, Lieutenant Gotthold Frederick Enslin was dishonorably discharged for sodomy. Lt. Enslin had served under General Washington for most of his campaign and thus became the first gay soldier at the time of our nascent republic.

In March of 1956, after gaining the prestige of the United States of America as a noted humanitarian, Thomas Dooley, a doctor with the U.S Navy resigned under charges that he was a homosexual. The fact that he was instrumental to both the CIA and the Department of Defense in establishing American-Vietnamese relations is now lost to history.

According to the Department of Defense Directive 1332.14 (Enlisted Administrative Separations), January, 1981):

"Homosexuality is incompatible with military service. The presence in the military environment of persons who engage in homosexual conduct or who, by their statements, demonstrate a propensity to engage in homosexual conduct, seriously impairs the accomplishment of the military mission."

In 1993 President Clinton reached a compromise on the issue of gays in the military. “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” became the official policy of the DoD. You may serve proudly, but only if you do not declare to be who you are. Of the NATO powers in Europe/North America, the USA is still the only one where you cannot serve openly as gay.

Memorial Day is not the start of summer, that would be the autumnal equinox on June 21st. Let us remember on this day, the role that men and women have played in the US and Military forces of the world, straight and gay, of all ethnic minorities and majorities. Admittedly, a man in uniform is still the quintessential icon of masculinity (I’ll put on my uniform for you Matt). If putting on military gear is how you wish to remember, more power to you. Honor, Remember, Respect.

"...gather around their sacred remains and garland the passionless mounds above them with choicest flowers of springtime....let us in this solemn presence renew our pledges to aid and assist those whom they have left among us as sacred charges upon the Nation's gratitude,--the soldier's and sailor's widow and orphan." --General John Logan, 5 May 1868

Happy Memorial Day to all my brothers and sisters!


Rabu, 24 Mei 2006

GeekFest 2006

Otherwise known as Wizard World Los Angeles!

Back in March, Mikey and I took a lovely trip downtown to the oh-so-wonderful LA Convention Center (with the easiest parking in the area) where the event was being held. LA is just one of the stops on the Wizard "tour" (which includes Philly, Chicago and Arlington, TX). And this being LA, where all the stars are, it surely has to be the best for autograph collecting, my real reason for showing up! Yes, how very, very sad!

This wasn't my first comic/action-figure/geek convention, a few years back I did go to the Baltimore Comic-Con, though it truly paled in comparison (especially for autograph junkies). Scheduled to appear were Kevin Smith, Marlon & Shawn Wayans, Lou Ferrigno, Ray Park (what an ass!), and a whole bunch of comic book artists, writers and inkers. But who did I want to see and chat with? None other than all those ex-Buffy and Angel stars in attendance!

Unfortunately, this autograph thing ain't cheap! Did I really want to spend over $200.00 on signed photos? Absolutely not, so sorry Elizabeth Rohm (Det. Kate Lockley) and Andy Hallett (Lorne), I just couldn't justify the expense (though from watching him interact with the fans Andy was by far the most personable star there).

I most wanted to meet Charisma Carpenter, who played Cordelia on both shows. I was hoping for an Angel-esq. cutesy Cordy, unfortunately, Charisma was much more like the icy high-school cheerleader character she played on Buffy. At least the photo was hot!

Next up was Christian Kane aka Lindsey McDonald aka "Idaho Guy. Mike dared me to go up to him and say " What's up Idaho Guy?" I did, proving myself to be a really big 'mo. Luckily Christian was just so cool, he didn't give a damn.

Best of the bunch by far was Wolfram & Hart's head bitch, Lilah Morgan, played by Stephanie Romanov. Not only was Stephanie incredibly tall, busty and personable, but she also really knew her stuff. I had just been watching Angel, Season 3, mentioned to her the episode where she gets beaten up by the Asian guy from Lost, and she began talking in depth about the episode, her character, etc. I just geekily gushed all over her, I think Mike was quite embarrassed!

Overall it was a very good afternoon. I met some stars. I got some comics. I saw a bunch of collectible items I'd really quite like. I even saw some artwork I was quite partial to. I can't wait till the next one, Joe and I are going down to San Diego for the daddy of them all: the Comic Con International!

[ I don't know why I never wrote about this before, especially with the pictures et al, somehow it just slipped through the cracks. ]

Rabu, 17 Mei 2006

My Nightly Hell: Parking on Laurel

What's worse than LA drivers? LA parkers!!!

Why can't people in this damn city park? Why must they leave 3-foot gaps between the car infront or behind them? Why don't they try pulling up to the end of the curb? Why do 3 cars take up a space obviously big enough for 5? The list of atrocities are endless.

The other night I was trying to park, it was after 10pm, I'd gone to pick up the pup, there were two or three open spaces when I left, when I came back... Nothing! A little bit down the street this guy had just taken one of the previously open spots... Naturally it was a spot big enough for two, but he had positioned his car right in the middle of the the space (and was actually still sitting in the car talking on the phone as I pulled up). Now I only have a Mini, it doesn't take up much room. So I pull up right behind him, pulled up as close to his car as possible, bringing the Mini to a stop, bumper to bumper. As I get out to see if I fit (I didn't) the guy jumps out of his car and accuses me of hitting him, that he felt "quite a bump." Bullshit! Back east we'd simply call this "bumper-to-bumper" parking and in a city like DC it's a necessity of life. I ignore him and nonchantly ask if he could pull forward. Thankfully he does, though he continues to grumble that I "hit" him. As I pull further forward I see him checking his (already dinged to hell) bumper! The guy was just a total jackass!

It's about time I went to the following website and got some of there stickers to plaster the cars round here:

Only I really wish it read "Yes, I'm a Fucking Selfish Parker!"

Senin, 15 Mei 2006

12 0n 12: May Edition

It's back! "12 on 12" Chad Darnell's ultimate look at the day in the life of bloggers.

As usual I'm a few days late with my update, but at least I participated. And, with this entry, I promise to be back with a blogging vengence after 2 long weeks of silence (Oh America! was such a quickie that it almost doesn't count). I'm coming up on a year of being in LA, a year of blogging, I work at one of the most famous restaurants in the world, I'm almost 200lbs, I've got the best roommate, and I've met my soul mate! It's been some year! That said, let's get on with the show...

"I really don't want to get up yet Dad!"

A Pre-workout breakfast: getting ready for a quad-busting leg day.

"Come on, I did my business, can I have my breakfast now?"

Pre-workout breakfast #2: protein, frozen fruit & H2O - yum!

"Mikey, don't leave me!"

When I grow up I want to be a Gillette man!

Yes, even the Mini screams "Geek!"

It ain't much, but it's a desk away from home!

Radiance in an otherwise bleek office!

Not exactly Spago food is it?

I can't get this buttoned up... I must be huge!

My own personal Phoenix rising! (And no, this isn't me, it's my man!)

Kamis, 11 Mei 2006

Oh America!

It is at trying times like these that I am so glad that I am not (yet) an American!

What were you people thinking? Super hottie Chris Daughtry gets booted from American Idol and the ultimate wedding singer Taylor Hicks is still in the running? Isn't this type of travesty the reason why CBS stopped the public voting off the (interesting) houseguests on Big Brother after Season 1. Isn't this the reason I haven't watched Idol since season 1 (damn you Mikey and Tony for getting me hooked). This whole debacle reminds me of the similar ousting of Tamara Gray that first year (yes, I know she got a guest spot on Boston Public, but still).

Chris has been the one consistent performer on the show this season. OK, so he's had a couple of average songs (due to poor song choice rather than performance). OK, so he's been in the bottom two before. OK, sometimes his jeans are just that bit too tight that his package is clearly visible. But please, to be voted off at this late stage... It's just ridiculous. He should have made it to the final two (with Elliot), and if, as many seem to be predicting, Taylor does become the next American Idol, America will have created just another Ruben Studdard and not a new Kelly Clarkson, as Chris clearly could have been!