So the other day Greg, from trivia, sent me this:
$$Are You British? New Game Show Needs You Now$$
We are currently looking for BRITISH PEOPLE from ALL walks of life. Male and Female. If you think you have what it takes to be on the next big NETWORK game show email us now! If you're a risk taker and not afraid to take a CHANCE, we want to hear from you today!
To Apply: Please send a photo, (headshot and body shot ) a brief bio about yourself and contact information to Must be 21+ Please be attractive, smart and have a HUGE personality!
I so badly want to be on a game or reality show. I'd kick ass on Big Brother, certainly make it to the merge on Survivor, and I'd have an Amazing Race to the finish on that one. Unfortunately they all require you to be a US citizen (don't ask me why), so until then I'm stuck applying for other, as yet unknown, series. Below is the bio I sent, we'll see if it gets me anywhere:
32-year old gay Brit with good teeth (I know, that's a rarity), shaved head and a goatee (not rare, but a very popular gay look). I'm short, only 5'5" and a half, but I pack a big punch with my acerbic British wit and no holds barred approach to living the American dream - if you can call it that! I lived in Washington DC for 12 years until recently moving to Los Angeles with my boyfriend. Upon arrival we promptly split up which was very LA of us! In DC I worked in sales and operations for a boutique Washington caterer, here I'm a Special Events Manager at Spago Beverly Hills (and yes, I can get you a good table!). I'm half super geek (I collect action figures and Survivor mugs) and half gay muscle boy (lifting would be my religion if I weren't an atheist). Oh, and I have the best pit bull in the world, Bentley, who I love a whole lot more than even my most prized possession, a Buffy action figure signed by the slayer herself, Sarah Michelle Geller.
Rabu, 29 Maret 2006
Senin, 27 Maret 2006

But was it really who I thought it was? She looked shorter, and much much skinnier than I ever would have imagined.

So, there I am lifting and pondering, pondering and lifting... What should I say? Can that really be Dru? Do you think she'd sign my 12" collectible?
"It is her!" "Huh?" "I asked her if she used to be on Buffy, she said yes, and I told her you were a big geek, er... fan... Just go say hullo!"
So, nibbling on my lip in a very un-vampiric sort of way, off I trundle to introduce myself, I have to now that I've been singled out as an uber-geek!

Yes, uber-geek! I've even really considered taking my collectible in to get it signed. Wouldn't I look super cool at Gold's with a mint-in-package Vampire Dru tucked safely under my arm?
Jumat, 24 Maret 2006
Always Golden!
My blogging has been very lax of late, and for this I apologize. Though the reason for this may well be the terrible LA weather, which as I mentioned in a previous post, hasn't exactly been cooperating, the worst being the weekend that Marky Mark was visiting from Kansas City (or Missouri, or wherever). "Well, it is winter" I hear you all cry! I know, but still, I'm over it! Having to wear an overcoat once is one too many times here in SoCal!
Thankfully I think Marky Mark had a good time despite the weather. On Friday night we managed to snag last minute tickets (thank you Scott) to The Museum of Television & Radio's panel discussion for The Golden Girls, once the Saturday night surefire hit, now a Lifetime staple. The panel comprised of creator Susan Harris and her husband, a bunch of the writers (including Desperate Housewives' own Marc Cherry), a popular director of the show, and naturally, the girls themselves... well Blanch (Rue McClanahan) and "dear, sweet, innocent" Rose (Betty White). Dorothy (Bea Arthur) was suddenly taken ill and couldn't participate.
The discussion focused on how brilliantly the show was conceived and then written, how gracious and professional the "girls" were, and while Cherry regaled the audience with tails of run-ins with the ladies, the other writers kept encouraging him to dish the dirt on his current Wisteria Lane beauties. This prompted even the incredibly quiet Harris to chime in with a "I bet Teri is the worst" comment. Both Betty and Rue hammed it up with beautiful aplomb all evening, chitchatting away, and jovially baiting each other as they responded to questions from the audience. Though Betty answer it with her still keen wit, Rue was particularly dismissive of one question "If The Golden Girls was being recast today, who would you want playing your characters?" Yes folks, no matter what they tell you, there are such things as stupid questions!!!

The discussion focused on how brilliantly the show was conceived and then written, how gracious and professional the "girls" were, and while Cherry regaled the audience with tails of run-ins with the ladies, the other writers kept encouraging him to dish the dirt on his current Wisteria Lane beauties. This prompted even the incredibly quiet Harris to chime in with a "I bet Teri is the worst" comment. Both Betty and Rue hammed it up with beautiful aplomb all evening, chitchatting away, and jovially baiting each other as they responded to questions from the audience. Though Betty answer it with her still keen wit, Rue was particularly dismissive of one question "If The Golden Girls was being recast today, who would you want playing your characters?" Yes folks, no matter what they tell you, there are such things as stupid questions!!!
Senin, 20 Maret 2006

On the way back from trivia I noticed how many of those digital "Don't Drink and Drive. It Saves Lives!" signs there are. It caused me to pause for thought. How about some variation in them like:
"Don't Apply Makeup While Driving. It Saves Lives"
"Don't Use Your Cell Phone Driving 60 Mph. It Saves Lives"
"Don't Eat with a Fork on the Drive to Work. It Saves Lives!"
and "Don't Turn Round to Scream at Your Kids in the Back Seat. It Saves Lives!"
I mean who's stupid enough to drink and drive these days?
Senin, 13 Maret 2006

It's been a bloody cold weekend, with 50 year record lows in parts of the "South Land", so it wasn't the best few days to show an old friend around town. Luckily Marky Mark lived here some years back before moving to DC. He decided to give up on the smarmy DC rat race and go home to Kansas City about the same time I moved here. With it colder here than in DC or Missouri, not exactly a first class SoCal vacation. Hell, we didn't even make it to The Abbey!
And the winner is... Finally a first place finish! The other week (OK, so I'm a tad late on getting this news out) roommate Mikey won "Big Fat Dick" at FuBar. This was his fourth attempt having previously lost to a chick with perfect breasts and guys who had greater popular support than greater members. Mikey has since decided to go into retirement... for the next sixth months at anyway!
Senin, 06 Maret 2006
Not Everyone's A Winner

Other big non-winners this weekend:

With the amalgamation of The WB and UPN into The CW, those Charmed Halliwell sisters will be taking their magical leave from the airwaves this May. After 8 seasons the Book of Shadows is finally being put on the shelf to gather dust.
My weight dipped again to 185.4 lbs... Yes, I'm wasting away! This stomach flu things seems pretty much cleared up, so now it's time to eat!
And in other news, I lost out on meeting both Cordelia and Angel when they were at the Farm for Sunday brunch (my old shift). Apparently it was like some cute little reunion when they started chatting about old times. It almost makes me want to throw up!
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