"How do you choose between gonorrhea or the clap?"
How deluded are these people in the Big Brother house? They've played the game once already, and still don't get it! Danielle lost first time around because people got sick of hearing that she needed to "bring home the money for the family." Alison worked it in Season 4, compromising both her morals and integrity... i.e. she was one conniving bitch! It may be true that "blonde girls hate blonde girls" (the producers must have been dieing for a Janelle-Alison catfight), but it wasn't a huge surprise when Alison was evicted. Seriously girls, don't play so hard, certainly not at the beginning, and certainly not when everyone already knows how you play the game!
Michael Kors and that bitchy chick from Elle are back for Project Runway 3, with a crop of designers who seem a tad older this go around. This group is already somewhat well established in the fashion world, albeit maybe Barbie's world. And while Mattel designer, and friend of a friend, Robert is pretty buff-looking as Project Runwayers go, I won't be staying tuned for glimpses of shirtless men (like I do The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency), but I am totally intrigued by the "shocker" that will "rock the runway" in a future episode!

Back on Bravo, it's at last painfully obvious that Kathy Griffin really is a D-Lister after all. Her performance for those corporate folks, who didn’t have a clue who she was, and her anxiety about what her set should consist of was truly torturous. And then there was that rat suit! She may have an A-List house, but...
Next week’s episode, the season finale, has come around way too quickly again! The season has been marred however by the Kathy and Matt "are they" or "aren’t they" question (the answer: they aren’t, having officially divorced on May 15th). Matt's looked miserable this year. Wouldn’t you look happier if you’d borrowed if $72,000 from your wife’s checking account?

Who Wants to be a Superhero? begins July 27th on Sci-Fi (which Jason’s Room remined me about), and begs the questions: What super powers would you have? And aren't super heroes supposed to have muscles?
Workout, with lesbian gym owner Jackie, and former Amazing Racer Rebecca, which Bravo reminds us about every commercial break, and then as I drive to work there's that billboard that bares down on me at the corner of La Cienega and Santa Monica.
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