A couple of the upcoming Gentle Giant animated maquettes will look great on my shelves (hint hint Joe), and those 12" Sideshow Collectibles, Galactic Heroes and Nerf Blasters all have their place (and fans) I suppose, but it's Hasbro's classic line of 3¾" figures that I most look forward to adding to my collection.

Future goodies include the likes of M'iiyoom Onith, Hermi Odle and Umpass-Stay, and a series of figures based on Ralph McQuarrie's original concept art, all mixed in with new renditions of the core characters (like Luke, Leia and R2). The most exciting news however is that Hasbro will finally embrace the Expanded Universe with characters from the Lucas Arts' upcoming The Force Unleashed (a video game for the "next generation" platforms, where you play Vader's secret Sith apprentice) along with versions of Darth Revan, Darth Malak and Roron Corobb.
And so with the prospect of all these wonderful new toys on the horizon, I passed up the one remaining Betrayal of Felucia battle pack I found at Target this morning. It could end up being one expensive year with many storage challenges!
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