Having seen the trailer earlier this year, I went in knowing nothing more about the story except that Claire Danes plays a fallen star sought by a wicked witch played by Michelle Pfeiffer. With the likes of the LOTR trilogy, Legend and The Neverending Story being some of my all-time favourite flicks, Stardust seemed right up my alley (and hey, with Catwoman as a witch, surely you can't go wrong)! It seems however that I was one of the few who responded positively to the marketing, as with The Princess Bride 20 years ago, the studio just didn't know how to sell the movie (hence it sadly only pulled in just over $9 million this weekend).

Still not convinced, read these reviews for yourself:
The Sc-Fi Channel's reimagining of Flash Gordon on the other hand was a much a huge disappointment as Stardust was a joy to behold.
Let's face it, we all knew it was going to be bad when Sci-Fi announced that Queen's classic theme created for the camp yet cult 1980 Sam Jones movie would not be used in the show, but rather only for promotional purposes. Because of BSG I still held out some hope however, but just a few minutes into the show today, having discovered that Flash is now a runner (not a football star) and still lives with his mum, well I sadly tuned out.
For a round up of the critics rumblings check them out here on Ain't It Cool News.
It seems like we all want our Flash fun, fast and camp-filled... Max Von Sydow, Brian Blessed et al. you spoiled us!
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