Last week the florists from LA Premiere, some of Beverly Hills top floral arrangers, took my boss and I out to dinner and a show, at
White Lotus in Hollywood. First and foremost, I know this contradicts my edict of not socializing with bosses, but being new to a city, and in an industry, where it's all about "Who -You-Know" I thought it best to partake in a cocktail or two. And I'm glad I did. It was a fun night out, good company, good food (I had the pork) and a very impressive cirque de soleil-esq. cabaret act by the performance group
Watching the performances was certainly one of those "only-in-LA" experience. Hot scantily clad bodies writhing on ropes, entwined in silks, balancing on hoops and culminating with the performers simulating sexual acts on stage while engulfed in plumes of smoke. My favourite was Eric, the lint collecting geeky waiter who upon climbing on his swing starts shedding his clothes to reveal a most spectacular physique!

To make the circus theme complete, earlier in the night our table was visited by the gypsy fortune teller who proceeded to read my cards. The three I picked were
The Two of Cups (for my recent past),
Judgment (my present), and
The Queen of Cups (my immediate future). According to the gypsy I've gone through a great upheaval and now have to relinquish the past. I should have courage in my own convictions, and only then can I let my heart lead the way to my "calling". It's time to be "inspired".
Very, very interesting!
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