Selasa, 31 Juli 2007

Vote Nick!

Don't let it be another hottieless year on CBS' summer reality staple, Big Brother. Have eyebrow happy America's Player Eric, vote out Kail on this Thursday's live eviction show (sadly voting will be closed by the time most of you read this).

We've already lost Mike, the painting contractor from Wisconsin (or more correctly the model from LA!). We can't possibly loose Nick, the former pro football player (and by that we mean European Federation of American Football player for the Seinäjoki Crocodiles, a team from Finland), and the lone surviving member of the Magnus/Kragnus dynamic strongman duo.

Let's face it any straight boy who can admit on national television that he has a Top Five guys that he'd sleep with, well that's a novelty in itself really isn't it. And to recap those guys are:

#1. Matthew McConaughey (naturally)
#2. Hugh Jackman
#3. Brad Pitt
#4. Unknown
#5. Ryan Reynolds

Come on America, and BB8 houseguests, let's please keep Nick in the house just a few weeks longer! I need some eye candy to deal with the increasingly sanctimonious ramblings of Dustin, Evil and co., which is beginning to sound a lot like squawking of Maggie, April and co. from Big Brother 6. And that's a truly scary proposition!

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