Senin, 10 Juli 2006

What did Wendy do?

With the advent of Project Runway 3 this Wednesday at 10pm, Bravo has been re-running the first season of the show, the final three episodes of which I caught while flipping the channels on Sunday afternoon. I missed Season 1 (I’m no fashionista, though I got surprisingly hooked on Season 2) so I was quite perplexed by the intense hatred and animosity between Middleburg, VA’s own Wendy Pepper, eventual winner Jay and the stately, but shoe-fiddling, Kara Saun. What made Wendy such a bitch? Just how “strategic” had she been? Or was she really just a c**t? I may never know!

The guest judge for the finale was Parker Posey, all big hair and glasses, though lacking the quips that have made her the darling of many an independent movie (and the savior of Superman Returns, stealing every scene from a lackluster Kevin Spacey).

Ms. Posey also happened to star in the last of the Scream movies, all three of which we watched over the weekend. As actress Jennifer Jolie, playing news-bitch Gale Weathers (Courtney Cox Arquette), Parker is again the highlight of the movie. Joe hadn’t seen any of the Screams, and I’d forgotten just how classic these films (the first two anyway) are. Without scrib Kevin Williamson, a bunch of unknowns (Matt Keeslar? Emily Mortimer?), and an ever-dwindling Cox (comely and busty in 2; skinny as a rail in 3), the final movie just doesn't quite make the "classic" grade.

In other news, the Pursuit of the Perfect Tan was steadily realised by another trip to Venice (no sunblock, no burning, and still uneven), and the Civil War has begun (and I missed the beginning). The Marvel Civil War that is, another one of those multi-comic story arcs that promises to change the Marvel Universe as we know it. Heroes will die. Heroes will be born. And some will be unmasked. Whose side are you on? (all sounds a little like Big Brother doesn't it?)

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