Jumat, 11 Agustus 2006

HOH Shocker!

Through the beauty of Tivo, I watched last night’s Big Brother eviction episode just this morning with my coffee and cookies. The backdooring of Kaysar was hardly unexpected, what with James’ turncoat formation of the Legion of Doom alliance with Danielle and the Chilltown boyz. What I didn’t expect was Julie Chen’s abrupt revelation to Kaysar that James had turned on S6, and Janelle in particular, calling her a “stupid bitch” among other things.

Kaysar, being suitably devastated, announced that he was “just not cut out for this game,” it being played in such an underhanded way. I just think he’s simply played the game like a pussy this year!

In a more shocking turn of events, Erika is actually not the HOH this week. There were technical malfunctions with the gaming equipment (rewinding my fabulous Tivo it was apparent that Howie did indeed hit his button and should not have been eliminated). Turns out that Janelle is, for the third time, back in charge!!!

BUT PLEASE JANEY, no more stupid nominations ‘coz you want to be the only pretty girl left in the house. It’s time to take out Chilltown, or at least that loser “Chicken” George.

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