Senin, 12 September 2005

Blendz Addiction

So I was doing some figuring...

I generally workout 5 times a week. Let's say I get shakes roughly 4 days out of 5. A typical shake, once you've added the cost of the extra scoop of protein I get, costs $6.00 (give or take a few pennies).

That's $24.00 a week. Not bad.

$96.00 a month. The approximate cost of a month's cable and TiVo combined.

Or $1,200.00 a year (this is based on 50 weeks since I usually take a couple of weeks off).

In real terms this is the equivalent of 4 car payments, 2 months rent (yeah it's cheap), or 219 Star Wars action figures (and BTW people The 40 Year Old Virgin made a mint off of his "dolls", so could I... eventually... maybe... I do have the ComicCon exclusive Werewolf Oz).

But yes, if I continue like so, I will be spending $1,200.00 a year on PROTEIN SHAKES.

(Damn you Julie at Gold's for getting me addicted! And damn the Mocha Meltdown for being so bloody good!)

Now that's just crazy!

Unless, of course I end up looking like this...

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