Rabu, 28 September 2005

Not So Crabby

Ying and Yangs. Feng Shui masters. Kabbalahan strings. They have it all here in the City of Angels. But none more so than the tried and true, found in every local paper, astrological guides, or simply put, the daily horoscope.

On numerous occasions since moving here people have asked (even in an interview), "So, what's your star sign?" or "You're a Cancer aren't you?" and when I nod in agreement, their response goes something along the lines of, "I thought so!", "Yes! I could tell!" or a simple "Oh!" followed by a sigh!

Being a little perturbed by these responses, I thought it best to do some research, to find out what being a Cancerian meant to these people. Here is what I found:

"Cancerians are not easy to understand, for their moods often fluctuates from sweet to cranky. They can be untidy, sulky, devious, moody, and inclined to self-pity because of an inferiority complex. A typical Cancerian broods on insults. They also tend to change their opinions and, indeed, their occupations, and lack stability. Cancer people are apt to do the opposite from what they are advised to do."

"[Cancerians] are rather close-minded and opinionated. They have a retentive memory, and rarely forgive slights and hurts. With a tendency toward chronic complaining, a Cancerian will never let you forget an error… They are over-imaginative and prone to be a victim of fantasy. They have a flair for the dramatic… By nature, very giving and selfless, they need to be aware of falling into the role of martyr in certain situations."

Cancerians, "the most perplexing of the signs," but basically perceived to be unstable over-emotional basketcases, who cling to their mum's apron strings, rarely leave the house and have something of a martyr complex!!!

OK, so I'll admit to being a tad sensitive (I sobbed when Casper became a real boy and danced with Christina Ricci at the end of the movie), I'm obviously intuitive (see Day 113), paternal (I do love my puppy), untidy (I like to refer to it as "organized piles"), a bit of a homebody (when you have TiVo why leave the house), even somewhat of a whiner (ask Brian)...

But the rest of it... Phooey!

Opinionated and always right? I don't think so!

An emotional basketcase? Certainly not!

A brooding drama queen? Not on your life!

I do occasionally glance at my own horoscope, and I can see some correlation in what I'm supposed to be and what I actually am. But this whole notion that the positioning of the stars has made be what I am just doesn't ring true.

So, LA people, I know you all get caught up in these fads (be it diet, exercise, spirituality or wotnot), but remember, "moderation is the key." It's a bit of fun to see if you're going to win some money or fall into or out of love, not a defining lifestyle choice!

FYI other notable (manly man) crabs include Vin Diesel, Sylvester Stallone, Harrison Ford, Kris Kristofferson and David Hasselhoff!

(And for those wondering just how the pictures relate to this post... the pose these three boys are doing is known as "the crab shot")

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