Rabu, 18 Oktober 2006

Goodbye Sarah Jane!

Battlestar Galactica may be the best show on TV (that no one’s watching), but the real reason to stay home on a Friday night (or at least set your Tivos) is the new season of British cult classic Doctor Who.

The Doctor regenerated at the end of last season from the quirky leather-jacketed Christopher Eccleston to the "geek chic" styling and pinstripe suit wearing David Tennant. Tennant’s 10th Doctor is a little more austere and a little less fun loving that his previous couple of selves, a demeanor more reminiscent of my favorite Doc, #6, Colin Baker.

But let’s go back in time for a moment. One of my first television memories is that of the Doctor (#4, Tom Baker) leaving Sarah Jane Smith in Croydon when he is summoned back to his home world of Gallifrey. Fast forward to last Friday’s second season episode School Reunion which again reunited Sarah and the Doctor (and we learn Sarah was in fact dropped of in Aberdeen, not Croydon).

Current companion/assistant/love interest Rose is jealous of Sarah’s past relationship with the Doctor, reuminating about her role at the Doctor's side and speculating if she too will be abandoned and rejected like Sarah. Naturally the two butt heads throughout the episode until eventually realising how similar they actually are.

Returning to the role that she has embodied off and on for 30 years, Elisabeth Sladen, as Sarah Jane, brings satisfying closure to the character and her relationship with the Doctor. She finally gets to say "Goodbye," and is at last able to embrace her ordinary life. A very touching and tear emoting departure.

Yes, I squished!

(Sarah Jane will be back however, The Sarah Jane Adventures, a second Who spinoff, is set to premiere in 2007).

In other rumours, in his role as Krillitane turned Headmaster Mr. Finch, Anthony (Stewart) Head’s appearance in the series has only fueled fan speculation that he will eventually return as The Master, the Doctor’s longtime Time Lord nemesis. An inspired and perfect casting choice to be sure (and a definite improvement over Eric Roberts).

Unfortunately only time, and Russell T. Davies, will tell.

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