Kamis, 09 Agustus 2007

Big Brother: Jew Bashing Amber

What a surprise, good little god-fearing Christan girl Amber from Las Vegas, NV is a bigot.

And you wonder why I despise organized religion!

In other news America's Player Eric has found himself on the chopping block. After being instrumental in ousting of the delicious Nick last week, Eric was rumbled by Daniele after one of those airplane banner flybys (which stated that both Eric and Amber were liars).

Now this whole America's Player "twist" thing doesn't bother me so much, but Eric and those goddamn life-of-their-own eyebrows do! Does he have to make those goofey wide-eyed arched-brow expressions every time he reads one of the producers' Player messages? And then last week when he tired to compare himself to Nick, even going so far as to having the girls give him a faux-hawk, well that was the final straw. Time to say bu-bye Eric!

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